December 14, 2024
Our group attended the AGU Annual Meeting this week in Washington DC.
Dr. Garing chaired the following sessions: Experimental and Modeling Developments for Advancing Geological CO2 Storage (H23D), and Environmental Vadose Zone Hydrology: Physical and Biogeochemical Processes Across Scales (H41L, H44B).
Kwaku Asiedu (MS) presented a poster on his latest research findings on Imaging Subsurface Fracture Characteristics Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography: A Case Study in Dougherty County, Southwest Georgia, and Tracy Chukwuma (PhD) presented a poster on her research work focused on Multimodal Characterization of Hydrogeochemical Alterations in Carbonate and Clay-Rich Rocks Due to Mineral Dissolution.
Tracy and Dr. G. were also co-authors on an invited talk given by Zhuofan Shi (Auburn University) on the Evolution of Transport and Mechanical Properties for Different Mineral Dissolution Patterns.
Left to right: Diner with UGA Geology students, alumni and Morocco NSF Dreamers / Kwaku and his poster / Dr. Garing with Abdullah Al Nahian (alumnus from the Porous Media Flow Lab, now PhD student at Auburn University) / Tracy and her poster / Diner with current and past members of Sally Benson's group at Stanford University.

November 22, 2024
We had the pleasure to host Dr. Felix Herrmann from Georgia Tech who gave a fantastic talk about "Digital twins in the era of generative AI - Application to geological CO2 storage" at our Geology Colloquium. Learn more about his research here.
November 15, 2024
Dr. Garing was this week's speaker at our Geology Colloquium. Her presentation focused on "Improving understanding of secondary trapping mechanisms in geologic CO2 storage systems".

October 18, 2024
Some of our UGA undergraduate students attended the PROGRESS Mentoring Program Kick-Off Workshop in Atlanta, co-organized by Dr. Garing, where we talked about environmental science, professional ecosystem support, equitable inclusion and networking. Meeting other women students interested in earth and environmental sciences from Georgia Tech, Spelman College, Georgia State, Georgia Gwinnett College and Emory, and discussing with accomplished faculty and professionals in the field left them feeling empowered, inspired and supported.

September 26, 2024
Our new micro-CT has been installed at Georgia Electron Microscopy and we've just finished a first series of testing and training
We are very happy with our Sigray, Inc.’s EclipseXRM 900, and soon, you will be too!
Below is a photograph of the instrument with Dr. Garing, Jakob Soltau (Sigray) on the left and Eric Formo (UGA GEM) on the right and an example of data acquired on a sandstone at 0.5 microns voxel size (presented as a 2D slice through the 3D reconstructed volume).

August 23, 2024
Tracy attended the annual Georgia Environmental Conference (GEC), August 21-23, 2024, as one of 6 finalists of the GEC Student Scholarship Program. She had the opportunity to present her PhD research work in both an oral and a poster presentation to a large audience of governmental agencies and environmental professionals in GA and Southeast region, and won the award in the doctoral category. Bravo Tracy!

August 14, 2024
The Porous Media Flow Lab is growing!! Three new graduate students are joining the group this Fall: Luqman Olawale (PhD), Raymond Aderoju (MS) and Teryn Rollo (MS). The group is also welcoming two undergraduate students, Ella Claxton (Geology major) and Kayla Bagwell (Physics major), who will assist on research projects.
June 17, 2024
Kwaku Asiedu was awarded a GSA Research Grants for his project aiming to investigate lineaments in Southwest Georgia using ERT. Congrats Kwaku!
June 15, 2024
Dr. Garing spent the week co-teaching the hydrogeology section of our Geology Field School with Dr. Adam Milewski. With activities planned daily on what ended up being a road trip around Georgia, the students got to learn a lot about heavy mineral mining and wetland ecosystems in the Southeast, the chemistry of springs and aquifer characterization for agricultural water use in the Southwest, and site characterization for CCS in the Northwest. It was a lot of fun and a fantastic learning experience.

May 3, 2024
Tracy Chukwuma successfully passed her prelim exam. Congratulations Tracy!
April 18, 2024
We had the great pleasure having Richard Esposito, program manager of geosciences and carbon management at Southern Company, visit the department of Geology and the Porous Media Flow Lab.

April 11, 2024
Dr. Garing spent the last three days at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, where she was invited to attend Chiara Recalcati's PhD thesis defense, for which she was an external examiner. The doctoral dissertation entitled "Stochastic characterization of reactive processes in porous media" was co-supervised by Prof. Pietro de Anna (Environmental Fluid Mechanics, University of Lausanne) and Prof. Alberto Guadagnini (MIPORE, Politecnico di Milano).
Dr. Garing also gave a colloquium about Micro-CT in Geosciences while she was there.

March 3, 2024
We successfully deployed 900 m of fiber optic cable for DTS measurements in a wet cave. The project, led by undergraduate student Jay Mrazek, aims to assess the potential of using DTS to monitor the cave’s water influx and thermal regime. More information is available here!

Feb. 23, 2024
We had the honor to host Ian Bourg from Princeton University and learn about his exciting research on the coupled hydrology and mechanics of fine-grained soils and sedimentary rocks combining molecular dynamics and macro-scale simulations. His group works on several other interesting projects. Find out more here!

Jan. 29, 2024
We had the chance to advertise our program and the broad range of career paths with a geoscience degree to admitted first-year students and their parents at the UGA New Dawgs Program. We love geology and we love to talk about it.

Dec. 18, 2023
It was great to be back at AGU Fall Meeting (and have it be back in San Francisco), seeing old friends and colleagues, making new connections, meeting with students, and chairing the Environmental Vadose Zone Hydrology session. Thanks to everyone who contributed to make this year's edition so rich and memorable.
Left to right: Traditional hydrogeology dinner organized by Bo Guo (U. of Arizona) and Yashar Mehmani (Penn State) / With Yannie Donaldson (PhD student in our department) after her excellent oral presentation / DReAM (NSF IRES Project) team at AGU, with Co-PI Racha El Kadiri (MTSU) and 2023 partipicant Cameron Essex (MS student at U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

Oct. 27, 2023
Thank you to Dr. Jeffrey Hyman from Los Alamos National Laboratory for a fantastic Geology Colloquium on "The influence of multiple scales in fractured media on flow and transport properties". Check out the 3D discrete fracture network modeling suite he's been developping: dfnWorks.

Oct. 20, 2023
We were pleased to host Dr. Christopher Zahasky from the University of Wisconsin-Madison who talked about "The role of vadose zone on the fate and timing of PFAS contamination in groundwater systems" at our Geology Colloquium. Learn more about his great research here.
Sept. 9, 2023
Learning about water pollution with skittles was a big success at this year's Athens Water Festival.

Sept. 1, 2023
Charlotte Garing was awarded a NSF Major Research Instrument (MRI) grant as principal investigator to support the acquisition of a high resolution x-ray micro-CT system with in situ capabilities.
The instrument, Sigray's PrismaXRM, will be installed at UGA late Spring 2024 and will advance critical research in a broad range of disciplines. More information about the award is available here.